Northern Argentina has witnessed the arrival of the first colonizers.
Nestled in the hills of Tucumán, Estancia Zarate has hosted many recognized families, members of our story, some of them are:
. Gertrudis Medeiros, a very important woman in the strategy against the Spanish invaders.
. Dr. Alejandro Heredia, Governor of Tucumán and Protector of the northern provinces.
. Dr. Benjamín Paz, Governor of Tucumán and President of the Supreme Court of the Nation.
Its legacy is part of our pride, and the charm of the house, now converted into a splendid hotel, reflects the respect for the original details of its architecture and its surroundings that are integrated in harmony with its contemporary construction and decoration.
"Throughout its 300 years, many recognized families of our story lived in the main house of Estancia Zarate."
Nowadays, Estancia Zárate is managed by the sixth generation of the family of the first owners. Within the ranch live different families of people who work for its operation. The children that live in the ranch receive school support in La Escuelita, which operates three times a week. It´s a nice possibility for guests to join them. There is also a community kitchen, so the families that live in the Estancia produce jam and preserves.